Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Reading other friend's blogs has reminded me that I have my own! I just never post anything and it's a shame because so much happens around here. First of all, Mason turned ONE YEAR OLD! I can't believe my little peanut is a toddler now, even if he does very little toddling. He's a mess, he's everywhere, he wears me out but he's also still perfect in every way... and getting too cute for words. His birthday was a total success and he wolfed down his cake like it was his last meal on earth. I can't believe how much fun he had at his party! He loved every single present he got and I think he knew he was the star of the show. So much happy in such a little kid!! Well, I guess he's not SO little, weighing in at 25 pounds! Still, it was great to see him enjoy himself so much :-)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Phase

What a day... So Mason has learned how to climb up on the furniture.. and crawl! Because of this we're forced to get rid of our new (beautiful, awesome, perfect) coffee table. His little head gets way too close to those sharp edges on those unstable feet. We opted for 2 ottomans instead.

He is EVERYWHERE and all he wants to do is pull up on the furniture and is so frustrated when he can't move exactly where he wants to go. I think I'll actually be happy when he can start walking around because he sure seems to want to! Until then, let the baby proofing begin!

I look around and realize how baby friendly our house ISN'T. We have so much low furniture that's perfect for little hands to get into and the clean lines we love so much mean harsh edges for bumping into... I'm not sure what we're going to do!

One thing is for sure though- even if he's trouble he's such a joy and everyday is exciting!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Free Entertainment

So having a kid means constant entertainment, and Mason is only getting funnier. Yesterday he started a few new things. He's got a new favorite "crawling" position. He gets up on his hands and tiptoes- it looks hilarious. Also he figured out (with my help) how to turn off a light switch. He got it really quick and by bedtime he was the one who turned out every single light in the house. I'm so glad he won't be tall enough to reach them by himself anytime soon! What really made Mike and I laugh was this... Mason was looking longingly at my make up drawer: so many colors. I wondered what he would choose if I let him near it so I bent down with him and he picked up some blush... then immediately chose the brush that went with it. Kind of funny but we did it 5 or 6 times, each time he got to the drawer, he picked out the same two things. I guess he thinks he needs some color :-) If you don't have kids, this might all be boring but for me, it's just the best part of life. I love being a parent to the most amusing child in the world.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring is here! I couldn't be more excited AND we're planning a trip to Hawaii this summer!! Mike and I will finally have a date- a week long, fun filled, tropical adventure date. Although I'm having a little anxiety about leaving my sweet baby for that long I know he'll be in good hands. The Grandmas in Houston are going to share him. We're thinking May or June so we'll be back in plenty of time for Mason's big birthday... not that we have anything super exciting planned. So thrilled!

Another thing I'm stoked about is the weather. Even though it SNOWED a week ago (what?) I think the warm weather is here to say. I'm breaking out the tank tops and sandals and putting away all my winter clothes that I've honestly had way too long. They're in bad shape but I'll deal with that problem NEXT winter. Bring on the sun!

With the vacation comes a swimsuit so I'll have to be diligent about losing weight. I've lost most of my 65 extra pounds... yes, 65.. but I've got about 10 more to go. I'd love to lose 15 but I won't be greedy. I hate exercise and love eating so this is going to be hard enough. Hopefully I'll have some "after" pictures to post in a couple months.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Is Here!

So it's been way too long since I've posted. I guess I'm not very good about keeping up with a blog but life is still great! Mason is getting so so big and everyday he looks more like a kid than a baby. It's a little heartbreaking and a little exciting to see him grow into a child. He's eating different foods and LOVING it, although we haven't tried the dreaded peas again, he's really into carrots, apples, peaches, pears, and oatmeal. We've also been introduced to teething biscuits which are his very favorite but extremely messy! He's still not crawling but he wants to move so I'm sure it won't be too long until we have a little terror around the house.

Mason's been noticing Pirate more but he's a little weary of him. Maggie now lives with a different family and I know she's happier there... she was driving us nuts! Pirate is even happier now that she's gone and he has the house all to himself again. I think he was always meant to be in a one dog home. I do feel like he gets lonely but he's been getting a lot more attention from all of us now that I don't "hate" the dogs. It's much easier to deal with him than the both of them.

Mike and I are trying to plan a trip for our anniversary this summer and we are very much looking forward to some time ALONE! Having a baby is fantastic but with no family in town to give us a break, it's made us realize how much we need to be adults and hang out with each other without someone crying, squealing, making messes, or stealing every second's worth of attention. We're think about Puerto Rico... if the budget allows! We'll see.

I'm really going to try and keep up with this blog and document all the fun new events in our busy lives!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Furniture

Step one of our living room redecorating. We spent WAY more than we expected but we had to come to the conclusion that we are now adults and not all of our furniture can come in a flat box from Ikea. We went to Crate & Barrel and got a new coffee table (that I hope Mason doesn't destroy) and a new entertainment center. I love 'em!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Poor Baby!

My poor Mason has been sick for WEEKS! Just as he was getting over one cold another hit, and this was much worse :-( Now that it's sort of winding down he's crying all day because we have a TOOTH! I have to admit, it's the cutest little thing I've ever seen but I can't help hating it because it's causing him so much discomfort. Poor kid! It's hard to believe that he'll go through this 20 times as a baby... he's such a happy kid and this is just putting such a cramp in his style. I can't wait until it stops hurting him! (p.s. The photo was just before it all hit!)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jaime's Coming!

I cannot wait! My best friend from Colorado is coming to visit! And she's bringing her baby Xander :-) I have been cleaning all week and getting ready for them to get here. Saturday's the day! I've also been organizing the house and I have to say, it's in better shape than it's ever been, if you don't count all the baby stuff laying around. There's no avoiding that. (wrote this a while ago, guess it never got published)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another Movie Ruined.. and Mason grows. Unrelated :-)

So... there are a lot of movies out there with potential to be funny. Why in the world do they have to be so disgusting? For example... we watched Funny People tonight (ok, it was an Adam Sandler movie with Seth Rogen... I should have known) but after a while I just started counting the F words. It also had more dirty jokes than any movie needs to have. Sigh. I can take language in a movie, you have to these days if you want to watch ANYTHING but honestly, who has to pack sex and swearing into a joke to deliver it? People with no originality.

In other news... Mason is adorable as usual! It's amazing how much better he is at sitting up. He'd rather be sitting to play then laying down. He still needs some assistance but it won't be long before he can do it on his own for a long time.... and I'm sure he'll be crawling before we know it. He's got the crawling motions down he just can't lift his fat belly off the ground! This kid just keeps growing.

It makes me sad to know that he is getting older, getting less of a tiny baby every day, but I enjoy his growing personality SO much. He's just hilarious and loves life. (Of course, it's a pretty sweet life of eating, sleeping, and playing). Everything is so fun to him: meal time, bath time, diaper time, book time, play time... he loves it all. Our little baby is so fun for us too and makes life so much sweeter... and I think he knows how much we like him because the more we laugh at him the more he laughs back. Life is good :-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today I figured out how to make my own blog background! Thanks to Mason's unusually long nap I actually finished it. This kid has taken on a new sleep pattern and I LOVE IT! Most days (recently) he wakes up around 10am and then has an hour and a half nap around lunch time. That's usually the only nap of the day but I'm not complaining! I really hope this is the new norm because I really don't mind sleeping in :-) I'm also a fan of him keeping himself entertained. Yesterday he wanted to be held all day but today he's getting so much better at playing alone. Of course as I write this he's whining to be picked up. Naturally. I better get the little booger!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year, New Blog

Well, I did it. I started a blog. I always thought they were a little silly but I get it now. How else am I going to share in detail all the crazy things my kid does? I really wish I had started it sooner because I feel like I've had so much to share the last 6 months. Lots of tears and laughs... and messes. Let's just see if I can keep it up!