Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jaime's Coming!

I cannot wait! My best friend from Colorado is coming to visit! And she's bringing her baby Xander :-) I have been cleaning all week and getting ready for them to get here. Saturday's the day! I've also been organizing the house and I have to say, it's in better shape than it's ever been, if you don't count all the baby stuff laying around. There's no avoiding that. (wrote this a while ago, guess it never got published)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another Movie Ruined.. and Mason grows. Unrelated :-)

So... there are a lot of movies out there with potential to be funny. Why in the world do they have to be so disgusting? For example... we watched Funny People tonight (ok, it was an Adam Sandler movie with Seth Rogen... I should have known) but after a while I just started counting the F words. It also had more dirty jokes than any movie needs to have. Sigh. I can take language in a movie, you have to these days if you want to watch ANYTHING but honestly, who has to pack sex and swearing into a joke to deliver it? People with no originality.

In other news... Mason is adorable as usual! It's amazing how much better he is at sitting up. He'd rather be sitting to play then laying down. He still needs some assistance but it won't be long before he can do it on his own for a long time.... and I'm sure he'll be crawling before we know it. He's got the crawling motions down he just can't lift his fat belly off the ground! This kid just keeps growing.

It makes me sad to know that he is getting older, getting less of a tiny baby every day, but I enjoy his growing personality SO much. He's just hilarious and loves life. (Of course, it's a pretty sweet life of eating, sleeping, and playing). Everything is so fun to him: meal time, bath time, diaper time, book time, play time... he loves it all. Our little baby is so fun for us too and makes life so much sweeter... and I think he knows how much we like him because the more we laugh at him the more he laughs back. Life is good :-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today I figured out how to make my own blog background! Thanks to Mason's unusually long nap I actually finished it. This kid has taken on a new sleep pattern and I LOVE IT! Most days (recently) he wakes up around 10am and then has an hour and a half nap around lunch time. That's usually the only nap of the day but I'm not complaining! I really hope this is the new norm because I really don't mind sleeping in :-) I'm also a fan of him keeping himself entertained. Yesterday he wanted to be held all day but today he's getting so much better at playing alone. Of course as I write this he's whining to be picked up. Naturally. I better get the little booger!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year, New Blog

Well, I did it. I started a blog. I always thought they were a little silly but I get it now. How else am I going to share in detail all the crazy things my kid does? I really wish I had started it sooner because I feel like I've had so much to share the last 6 months. Lots of tears and laughs... and messes. Let's just see if I can keep it up!